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There are multiple ways to volunteer your time for UWC Zimbabwe: 

Get involved in the Student Outreach Project:

  • Students and recent graduates volunteer to visit Zimbabwean schools and conduct outreach sessions during the "summer" break (June-August). If you could help with transport or logistics (or if you would like to do some outreach yourself) contact 

Get involved with Fundraising: 

  • Fundraising is the area where UWC Zimbabwe needs the most help. As a National Committee we have to cover student airfares, pocket money, and partial scholarships. We are always looking for bright ideas for fundraising and we are always looking for passionate UWC alumni and parents (and students) who can run fundraising initiatives and campaigns. If you are a passionate UWC alumnus or parent or student who wants to be involved, email 

Host Zimbabwean students:

  • Do you live in Johannesburg/Pretoria? Some UWCs are in countries that do not have embassies in Harare. Accepted students have to travel to Johannesburg for visa interviews. Many of these students have not travelled outside of Zimbabwe before. If you live in Johannesburg or Pretoria and would be willing to have your name on a list of hosts we can contact when we need to send a student for a visa interview, please email
  • Do you live in a country with a UWC school? (there are many new schools, look here to check). Let us know if you would like to be put in contact with Zimbabwean students at the UWC. Many Zimbabwean alumni have had rewarding relationships through their work as volunteer "host families" to Zimbabwean students. Contact if you are interested.


Do you have ideas for projects that UWC Zimbabwe could be doing? Be in touch!